This Is Part 3 Of The NahaSH Self-Discovery Course. There are 36 sections to this part of the course. Each section has further segments each with several self-reflection questions within them. Remember that you will need your journal to continue reflecting on the question: 'Where are you going?' We will be exploring the following topics in some detail: Introduction Creating your road map What makes your heart sing? Be Inspired Do you take responsibility? Which path do you choose? Discovering who you want to become Choosing a path to freedom Choosing to serve a higher purpose Leaving your comfort zone Taking it step by step Treating others how you want to be treated Learning to say no Breaking free from captivity Choosing a path of wisdom Choosing a path of awareness Transforming darkness to light Choosing a path of humility Choosing a path of respect Choosing a path of forgiveness Choosing a path of love Choosing a path of compassion Choosing a path of mercy Choosing a path of courage Choosing a path of faithfulness Choosing a path of justice Choosing a path of patience Choosing a path of gratitude Using your gifts to help others Choosing a path of Joy and positivity Choosing a path of balance Choosing a path of faith and trust Living in the now Choosing a path of acceptance Choosing a path of sincerity Choosing a path of beauty Accepting loss Choosing Life Receiving and giving Embracing the relationship Connecting mind body and soul Connecting to the oneness within diversity Returning to your true essence Choosing a Path to Reality Choosing to speak your inner truth Choosing a path of light Choosing a path of sacrifice Choosing a path to serve humanity Putting on your crown You have the power to CHOOSE!
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